Exciting News
for 2025
Same great Show! Same great Vendors!
April 26
Early Birds: $10
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
General Admission: $5
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
May 31
Early Birds: $10
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
General Admission: $5
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
More Details
All Events are Rain or Shine and Mostly Indoors!
All Tickets are SOLD at the Main Gate - Cash Only!!
13 Yrs and Under are Free! Parking is Free!
Pets are Welcome!
Harrison Co. Fairgrounds
341 S. Capitol Ave. Corydon, IN 47112
2025 Vendor List
Who & What
We Are
The Corydon Extravaganza is promoted and curated by Joe & Lindsey Poe, owners of the Old Town Store and Poe's Vintage Goods. It was first started in 2013 as a traditional Antique Show. It has morphed over the years into so much more. We are now considered one of the Best Vintage & Antique Flea Markets in Southern Indiana with a splash of Art Show, Food Trucks and Wineries. All of this wraps up to be an amazing shopping experience. So, grab a friend, family member, neighbor or coworker and come shop one of Indiana's best festivals.

Check out the
Food & Wine!
Come out and experience
a day of Live Music
Great Selection of
Food Trucks & WINE BAR!
All while shopping the 150+ Vendors

Just 30 minutes
from Louisville Kentucky
Take 64 West to Exit 105
Harrison County Fairgrounds
341 South Capitol Avenue
Corydon, Indiana
Vintage Goodies
Become a Vendor
Pickers & Makers / Wine Vendors / Food Trucks